Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Wednesday 31st August-all packed and ready to go

Well in all honesty today was no where near as hard as saying good bye to my baby, until it hit half 6 (and shubs o clock) i spent the day picking up extra's in town then met up with Shakira (my friend not the real one) where we prayed over a meal and had a giggle then said our fair wells, I then had 10 minutes to get into the house throw the rest of my stuff in the suitcase and proceed to the pub to see the rest of the cronies, such a hard life going from pub to pub :) It really was hard to say goodbye to them all especially the girls and yes I may have even cried a little just a few tine weeny tears.

It was then on to family goodbyes well kinda, we went out for a meal and my mum and dad aren't really that happy about the move to London so until my sister turned up at the pub we were eating in it was a nice frosty atmosphere of mundane conversation. I know my parents have every right to be upset hell if I was them I wouldn't even be considering letting me go, so there being incredibly cool about it. But yeah, tonight was nice we talked mainly about my sister oh this is so so hard.
now ive been told they dont want me to go but I am going I need to do this its what is right in God!

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