Wednesday 4 January 2012

How plus should plus size be?

Ok so I know I said this blog was about keeping in touch with home but I've decided I want to write about things that inspire, amuse or whatever, today it's something that annoyed me.

I'm a size 12 so considered a plus size which I'm happy with, I have curves and I love them but surely encouraging a woman who is a size 32 and weighing in at 18 and a half stone to model is wrong. She was sat scantily dressed on the cover of a magazine, a magazine which frequently endorses the "anorexic" models that we're used to.

Surely that in todays society with all of the controversy over dress sizes and perfect weight this story should be just as disputed as models who wear nothing and weigh nothing but no surprisingly this woman was praised. Brave. Brave was what she was called , now don't get me wrong I'm not saying that was easy for her, but how is that appropriate to be on the front cover of a magazine that sells to impressionable teenagers.

I know that most teens won't go "wow I can't wait to hit that size" but they will start thinking that the public are condoning and even accepting morbidly obese women as models and even roll models. We already live in a McDonald's world ruled by the salad eaters of fashion but we don't need the obese chic to be the next craze.

Learn to ba happy with your body but healthily there is a line and I think that a size 32 roll model is very much so crossing it.

Please feel free to comment

E x

Wednesday 31 August 2011

Wednesday 31st August-all packed and ready to go

Well in all honesty today was no where near as hard as saying good bye to my baby, until it hit half 6 (and shubs o clock) i spent the day picking up extra's in town then met up with Shakira (my friend not the real one) where we prayed over a meal and had a giggle then said our fair wells, I then had 10 minutes to get into the house throw the rest of my stuff in the suitcase and proceed to the pub to see the rest of the cronies, such a hard life going from pub to pub :) It really was hard to say goodbye to them all especially the girls and yes I may have even cried a little just a few tine weeny tears.

It was then on to family goodbyes well kinda, we went out for a meal and my mum and dad aren't really that happy about the move to London so until my sister turned up at the pub we were eating in it was a nice frosty atmosphere of mundane conversation. I know my parents have every right to be upset hell if I was them I wouldn't even be considering letting me go, so there being incredibly cool about it. But yeah, tonight was nice we talked mainly about my sister oh this is so so hard.
now ive been told they dont want me to go but I am going I need to do this its what is right in God!

Tuesday 30 August 2011

Tuesday 30th August-preparing to go

OK so maybe I haven't let it settle in properly but in all honesty all that is going through my head is LONDONNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!! but yeah today is what were focusing on.
I had some shopping to do and some goodbye's to say; so while looking for some very odd items that I was giving to someone for reasons I'm not going into, I was on the phone wandering through Middlesbrough town. I think saying goodbye to my sister and her girlfriend and my boyfriend was the hardest thing.

After buying leggings some make up and various other items I caught the bus to the boyfriends and we laid in bed and talked and I cried and he cuddled me all day and as amazing as it was I've already started to miss him, but I gave him a token and a few special things that we can remember each other by.

I've filled out the applications and found all my documentation gotta pack my suitcase tomorrow and start changing my details.

Monday 29 August 2011

Monday 29th August-getting the job

OK so I got back from Leeds festival at 2:30 this morning absolutely shattered only to be woken at 8:30 by my new boss telling me he wants me to come and work in london with him. I thought I was still asleep. I wasn't. Its amazing, I had to explain to my none christian family that i felt God was calling me to London to be apart of this amazing project. Safe to say it did not go down well but apart from that its been a pretty easy ride. I still need to pack and get my head into it as I'm still in festival mode, in fact I don't even think I've unpacked yet but oh well it can just go straight in the suit case again. I'm so scared though I have to leave my amazing boyfriend behind and my family and the original church I was part of. While I'm writing this the 2 people i was meant to be working with in my home town are sat discussing travels and all I'm, thinking is shhhhhhh I'm so scared to leave them cos it is so out of my comfort zones. Ahhhh prayers would be so appreciated.